Work With us

We have Partners not Clients

We believe in the power of partnership. By referring to our clients as partners, we seek to create a space of conscious reciprocity where compassionate communication, mutual benefit and respect are valued. Our ultimate goal is to not only co-create beautiful and impactful design solutions, but to build a lasting relationship with our partners based on support, trust, authenticity, and shared values.

Work With us

We have  Co-
creators not Collaborators 

As transformation designers, we shift organizations, experiences, environments and systems. In order to do this, we need to draw from many different disciplines; this is why we are supported by a brilliant team of creatives, artists, designers, social innovators, strategists, and technologists. They are fondly called co-creators as they channel their creative prowess, artistic acumen, design finesse, social ingenuity, strategic thinking, and technological wizardry to actualize the highest aspirations of our work.  

Many of our partners become co-creators. When partnerships transcend into co-creation, we create a synergy that allows us to work collaboratively, support each other, and share resources and prosperity. By working together, we are also creating a ripple effect of positive impact that goes far beyond the immediate scope of our projects. 

Work With us

Co-creation builds on three fundamental differences
from traditional ways of Being together:

We act and lead from the impulse of our hearts. The motivation no longer arises from satisfying ego or our own, isolated needs – sometimes even at the expense of others. It comes from our deepest heart’s desire for a wonderful life for all; a reality we can create when everyone shares our talents and gifts. Such motivation for holistic results, and not economic or egocentric results, requires self awareness, and dedicated to a higher life purpose, guided by inner wisdom and universal values such as love, interdependence and humanity.

We explore openly and playfully together. The interaction between people is no longer based on a contractual, intellectual exchange. A shared resonant field of love is added. We connect in a joyful space where we are equally curious about fully understanding others as we are moved to share our own contributions. We know that we are pursuing the same goal, that everyone has unique gifts and that everyone therefore is an equally necessary participant in co-creation.

We invite unexpected synergies.  In traditional cooperation, the starting point is a hypothesis in peoples’ minds about benefits that can be achieved and shared. The participants don’t necessarily have to care for each other. In resonance, with open hearts and curious explorations, unexpected insights can emerge, including inspiration from unseen dimensions. 

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